المجــــلة العراقيــــة لبحوثــــــ الأجنـــــــة والعقــــــــم
المعـــهد العــــالي لتشــخيص العقــم
والتقنيات المساعدة على الأنجاب
High Institute for Infirtility Diagnosis
AL-Nahrain University
Assisteds Reproductive Technologies
جامعة النهرين
العـــــــدد السادس
Anthropometric, hormonal and biochemical indices in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome
Evaluation of Cancer Antigens (CA125&CA15- 3) in some Iraqi women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
Morphometric study of kidney and suprarenal gland development after super ovulation injection in mice
Impact of vinblastine sulphate on sperm parameters and histological changes of the seminiferous tubules in mice
In vitro sperm activation with pentoxifylline and L-carnitine for infertile men semen using layering and sedimentation techniques
Relationship between antiMüllerian ovarian hormone, activin-A, and follistatin hormones levels with pregnancy rate following intrauterine insemination
Effects of Cadmium on sperm parameters, histological and hormonal changes in testes of mature rats
Effect of two types and two concentrations of cryoprotectants on ovine oocytes morphology and viability post-vitrification
Assessment and correlation of Anti-sperm antibod- ies to sperm parameters in normozoospermic men
الأعداد الصادرة