المجــــلة العراقيــــة لبحوثــــــ الأجنـــــــة والعقــــــــم
المعـــهد العــــالي لتشــخيص العقــم
والتقنيات المساعدة على الأنجاب
High Institute for Infirtility Diagnosis
AL-Nahrain University
Assisteds Reproductive Technologies
جامعة النهرين
العـــــــدد الثالث
Effect of smoking on sex hormones , inflammatory makers and semen parameters in infertile
Testosterone level  and  body mass index  in women  with polycystic ovary syndrome
Effect of L-carnitine on in vitro sperm activation of infertile men
In vitro sperm activation using culture medium supplied with oxytocin in athenozoospermic patients
Effect of incubation time on certain sperm function parameters following in vitro activation test by ferticult medium
Effect of L-carnitine administered to pregnant mice on some  reproductive properties of their male offspring
الأعداد الصادرة