المجــــلة العراقيــــة لبحوثــــــ الأجنـــــــة والعقــــــــم
المعـــهد العــــالي لتشــخيص العقــم
والتقنيات المساعدة على الأنجاب
High Institute for Infirtility Diagnosis
AL-Nahrain University
Assisteds Reproductive Technologies
جامعة النهرين
العـــــــدد الخامس
Effect of cryopreservation on some sperm parameters of infertile patients
Evaluation of Different Cryopreservation Protocols of the Testis Using  8-Hydroxy 2-Deoxyguanosine as Marker of DNA Damage
Effect of cryo preservation on DNA normality of mice epididymal sperms following in vitro preparation with pentoxifylline and glycyrrhiza glabra
The Role of E-cadherin  in the embryo  implantation and its site in the endometrium
Studying the risk factors for ectopic pregnancy among spontaneous and assisted concepation
Relationship between potency of hypo osmotic  swelling  test and antisperm antibody assay for fertile and infertile men in thi-Qar governorate
In vitro effects of terpinoid compounds of Euphorbia helioscopia L. extracts on rats epidid ymal sperm activity rats
الأعداد الصادرة