المجــــلة العراقيــــة لبحوثــــــ الأجنـــــــة والعقــــــــم
المعـــهد العــــالي لتشــخيص العقــم
والتقنيات المساعدة على الأنجاب
High Institute for Infirtility Diagnosis
AL-Nahrain University
Assisteds Reproductive Technologies
جامعة النهرين
العـــــــدد الرابع
Correlation between in vitro sperm  preparation techniques, endometrial thickness ,hormonal profile and successful pregnancy rate following IUI :retrospective and prospective
Cryopreservation of ovarian cortex and vitrification of immature oocyte
Evaluation of PSA tumor marker in some Iraqi women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
Serum leptin level in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
Role of leptin in infertile men before and after treatment with clomiphene citrate and vitamin E
Measurement of serum inhibin  B as predictive evaluation of ovarian response following ovulation  induction program in intrauterine insemination
Effect of citrulluscolocynthisaqueos extract  on  in vitro fertilization and early cleavage stages of mice embryos :model for mammal
Study the effects of glutathione on fertility potential in vitro of male diabetic induced mice
Effect of penicillin on uterus in mice
الأعداد الصادرة